12  Preparing Manuscripts & Presentations


March 27, 2025

Write manuscripts following the HerbVar guidelines for authorship (Chapter 7) and use the checklist below to ensure all required information is included. Note that the HerbVar Data Analysis Template includes the files and code needed to write the manuscript in using Rmarkdown templates for scientific papers (e.g., papaja or one of the rticles templates).

12.1 Checklist: Prior to Submission (Manuscripts & Presentations)

“This work was generated using data from the HerbVar Network (https://herbvar.org/), which was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DEB-2203582).

Wetzel, William; Hahn, Philip; Inouye, Brian et al. (2023). Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.44j0zpckm

The Herbivory Variability Network (2023). Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science 382,679-683. DOI:10.1126/science.adh8830

HerbVar Steering Committee (2024). “HerbVar: Project Manual and Field protocols (v0.9.0)”. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14232308

12.2 Checklist: Upon Acceptance (Manuscripts)