HerbVar Project Manual & Field Protocols
This book is a manual for researchers involved the the HerbVar Project. It includes a checklist for new collaborators, guidelines on accessing, adding, and using project data, tutorials for using the RStudio Project Templates for conducting analyses and preparing manuscripts, protocols for field work, and guides for administering the HerbVar Network resources (e.g., website, data portal).
The HerbVar Steering Committee would like to express their appreciation to the following authors of Alternative & Protocols and Guides to Data Collection:
Reproductive Damage: Susan Whitehead (Virgina Tech), Phil Hahn (University of Florida), Paul Ode (Colorado State University), Will Wetzel (Montana State University)
Cacti & Succulents: Judie Bronstein (University of Arizona), Victoria Luizzi (University of Arizona)
Trees: Bastien Castagneyrol (NRAE-UMR BIOGECO), Amy Trowbridge (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Will Wetzel (Montana State University), Moria Robinson (Utah State University)
Estimating Damage: Ian Pearse (U.S. Geological Survey), Zoe Getman-Pickering (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Julie Davis (Cornell University), Bastien Castagneyrol (NRAE-UMR BIOGECO), Will Wetzel (Montana State University)
Low-Density Plants: Danielle Salcido (University of Nevada, Reno), Lee Dyer (University of Nevada, Reno), Will Wetzel (Montana State University)
Rhizomatous Geophytes: Yuval Sapir (Tel Aviv University)
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. NSF DEB-2203582.
HerbVar Steering Committee (Eds.). 2024. HerbVar: Project Manual and Field protocols (v0.9.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14232308
This guide is a Quarto Book hosted on the HerbVar Network’s Github site. Any team member can edit the text, add new sections, or make suggestions for improvement either by pull request or by posting an issue on the HerbVar Manual’s repository. For more information and tutorials for doing so, see 25 Editing the Manual.